Martin Joe Laurello (1885-1955), aka “The Man with the Revolving Head,” “The Human Owl,” or “Bobby, The Boy with the Revolving Head,” was born in May 1885 in Nuremburg, Germany. He was born with a twisted spine that allowed his head to turn a complete 180°. When he had his head turned, his spine was in the shape of a question mark.
Martin Luther kimdir, Martin Luther, Din Devrimi’nin önderi, Protestan dininin doğuşunda dinamik bir güç oldu. Özgür bir dinin kurulmasında güçlü bir etken olan Luther’in hayatı ve eserleri, Batı tarihinde yaratıcı güçlerin doğuşunda önemli rol oynamıştır.
Si chiamava Martin Laurello ed era tedesco. La sua unicità continua a incuriosire la comunità scientifica che, pur avendo i video e le immagini che ci mostrano l'unicità di questo uomo, è difficile da credere. Il signor Laurello era in grado di girare la testa di 180 gradi. 4 Aug 2012 Born in Germany around 1886, Martin Laurello had the ability to turn his head a full 180 degrees. Performed with such notable sideshow Peki katil kimdir? POLİS Laurello Martin Laurello Almanyanın Nürnberg kentinde 1886′da doğdu.
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Dag Hammarskjölds Väg 31, 115 27 Stockholm. Var 4:e minut ID-kapas någon. Få gratis ID-skydd med UC. Martin Laurello élete. Martin Laurello Németországban, Nürnbergben született, de 1921-ben az Amerikai Egyesült Államokba emigrált.
When he had his head turned, his spine was in the shape of a question mark. Hans Martin Laurell är 55 år och bor i en villa i Ljungskile med telefonnummer 070-721 52 XX. Han bor tillsammans med Joy Vigilia Laurell. Han fyller 56 år den 17 januari.
Practic, Laurello era singurul om de la acea vreme care-și putea vedea spatele fără a se uita în oglindă. Pe numele lui inițial Martin Emmerling, bărbatul s-a născut în mai 1885 în orașul german Nuremberg. Când a observat câtă lume este curioasă să-l vadă în acțiune, Laurello s-a decis să se alăture circului.
Bu elastiklik əslində üstünlük deyil, xəstəlik idi və adam bunun çarəsini tapa bilmirdi. O da digər çatışmazlıq sahibləri kimi bu problemindən müxtəlif nümayişlərdə pul T he pdf-file off that German website on Martin Laurello’s page states that, prior to his accident, he was a contortionist, more exactly a snake man, known mononymously as “Laurello”, who wormed his way through a ladder, wearing a (supposedly snakeskin-like) costume. He did that in Schichtls Zaubertheater (Schichtl’s Magic Theater). Martin Laurello, the Human Owl, Could Turn His Head Backward He once turned his head around and winked at the police officers behind him before being placed under arrest Audrey Malone Reports on the life of Martin Joe Laurello recorded two different marriages.
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A causa di una spina dorsale affetta da una patologia rarissima poteva girare la propria testa di 180°, guardando quindi dietro la propria schiena. Quando girava il capo la sua spina dorsale assumeva la forma di un Martin Laurello) — артист цирка имеющий редкую аномалию: он мог поворачивать голову на 180°. Известен под прозвищем «человек-сова». Martin Joe Laurello, originally Martin Emmerling, was born in Nuremburg,Germany around 1886.
Prechtl was born in 1885. They had one son named Alexander Emmerling (1905-1960). The couple eventually got divorced. After the divorce, he then met Emilie WittlEmmerling (1895-1977), and the two then proceeded to get marries. Martin Joe Laurello (May 1885 – 1955) originally Martin Emmerling, was also known as The HumanOwl, The Man with the Revolving Head, or Bobby, The Boy with the Revolving Head because of his unique capability of revolving his head. When he had his head turned, his spine was in the shape of a question mark because it was born twisted. Martin Laurello postcard, 5.5 x 3.5 inches, circa 1938; signed on reverse in blue ink “M.
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Martin Luther King, Jr.; 15 yanvar 1929 (), Atlanta – 4 aprel 1968 (), Memfis, Tennessi) — 1955-ci ildən 1968-ci ildə baş vermiş qətlinə qədərki dövrdə afroamerikan insan haqları hərəkatının ən üzdə olan liderlərindən biri, dini rəhbər və aktivist. Corciya ştatının Atlanta şəhərində anadan olmuşdur.
He was born with a twisted spine that allowed his head to turn a complete 180°. Laurel Kinn Martin 56 år 073-842 99 Visa. Dag Hammarskjölds Väg 31, 115 27 Stockholm.
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The gentleman depicted is Martin Laurello, born Martin Emmerling, and he hailed from Nuremburg, Germany. He was an anatomical wonder, able to turn his head 180 degrees. How he accomplished this feat is unknown, however I have seen this trait duplicated.
He was married to Amelia Emmerling, and was a Nazi Martin Eemmerling, better known as Martin Laurello, was born in May 1885, and was believed to be an anatomical wonder because of a bizarre act he could perform. Laurello had the ability to turn his head around at a 180-degree angle. Martin Joe Laurello, originally Martin Emmerling, was born in Nuremburg,Germany around 1886. He began to perform his act in Europe when in his 20′s.
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Martin Emmerling was born in around 1886 in Nuremberg, Germany. He was widely known as Martin Joe Laurello or the Human Owl. There was not much information regarding his childhood, only that he was said to be born with a slightly bent spine. This biological rarity he had allegedly enabled him to twist his head back, an act he is now known for.
Martin Laurello, was known as 'The Human Owl', because he could turn his head 180 degrees.